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  • Sorry, TUESDAY Special Chapter Conversations has ended.
  • Sorry, SUNDAY, Special Chapter Conversations has ended.

October 26, 2021

Dear Sisters,
Happy Fall!

The DC Expanded Community would like to invite you to join us as "Conversation Partners" and in solidarity with our Sisters who will be attending the Special Chapter as Delegates.

On October 12, our Provincial Team sent us the Synthesis of Provincial Chapter Documents and a Letter inviting us into conversation groups:

"Now, in a spirit of solidarity and discernment we invite you to consider forming spiritual conversations using the same questions given to the capitulants as your springboard. We encourage you to explore how you might engage in a diverse group of RSCJs that may include individuals with whom you might not ordinarily find yourself in conversation. Perhaps they are members of a different generation, ministry area, region of the Province or even members of another Province within the Philippine Region.

The purpose of these conversations is not to “produce” answers but rather to foster spaces of spiritual hospitality that might lead us to consider alternative viewpoints and lead us to deeper reflection. The questions have been adapted slightly for our reflection as members of the USC Province as well as the Philippine Region and the international Society."

The DC Expanded Community thought it might be a great opportunity to connect with other RSCJ in the USC Province Eastern Region (the same time zone makes it convenient) for some conversation.

We want to keep it very simple.  We will be hosting.  We realize that everyone is busy.  We will offer two "sessions" for each question.   Each session will be one hour.  The suggested flow of the gathering is listed to the right.  

You do not need to sign up for all three conversations and you can "mix and match" -- meaning you don't have to come on the same day from one question-conversation to the next.  Our desire is to create a space for conversation between us and among us.  

We will trust the Spirit to bring the "right" people to each conversation.  We will begin in a large group and break into small groups that mix participants to provide broader conversation groups. 

If you are interested in participating, please complete the form below indicating if you would like the reminders and registration links for SUNDAY gatherings or for TUESDAY gatherings or BOTH.  

Please complete this form by Wednesday, November 3.  All reminders and zoom links to those indicating interest will come from the Stuart Center.

If you have questions, please contact Bridget Bearss, bbearss@stuartcenter.org

May we join together in strengthening our One Body.

With Cor Unum,
The DC/Miami/Chiapas Expanded Community



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