The second edition of An Act of Hope was recently released (originally published in 1992):
June 26, 1992An Act of Hope: Province Priorities for Strategic Planning is the fruit of the reflection and prayer of the entire Province. It has grown from the insight and desires of our members to focus together on how in this day we might best put our energies and resources as the service of God’s people. At the same time, it is but a seed from which will grow our ever stronger commitment to seek together, in our on-going decision-making as a Province, the call of God to us today.
The acorn can be for us a symbol of this fruit and seed, the fruit of our contemplation and the seed of our action, just as it was for Philippine Duchesne, our model of courage and faith. Let us ask God to nurture the soil of our planting, so that we will be undaunted in our response to the needs of our world.
In hope and prayer,
Rosemary Bearss, RSCJ