Opportunities to take action on our priority issues.
In the US, LCWR is inviting us to call our Senators today to insist on Covid-19 relief legislation. A suggested script is provided.
In the US, LCWR is inviting us to call our Senators today to insist on Covid-19 relief legislation. A suggested script is provided.
During the last weeks we all have been invited to mourn and pray for the over 100,000 people in the United States and over 7,000 in Canada, who have died as a result of Covid-19. We have seen the unequal suffering of those impacted by the...
In the past few weeks, the Province released two statements in response to the killing of George Floyd and in support of the calls for justice reverberating around our countries and world.
A number of Catholic organizations have developed opportunities to take individual actions to protect groups of people that are particularly vulnerable as a result of Covid-19. As you reflect during this time of transformation, I invite you to...
Advocate with your Member of Congress to provide $12billion in foreign assistance for coronavirus relief. We are seeing reports from all over the world that developing countries are facing a severe crisis in employment and food security as a...