I just wanted to take a moment to convey my sincere appreciation for the simply wonderful job you did with the layout and creative formatting of the Beyond Charity: Nonprofit Business in Montgomery County, MD report. The report "looks" just grand, (because of you!) ... I have heard about your terrific work over the years, and I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to see your talent connected to a project I hold near and dear ... [T]hanks so much for both your commitment to the project and your flexibility in working with tight time lines and many people offering feedback. In the end, I think we can all be proud of what we have created. Many Thanks.
This weekend I'll be at the 4th Backdrop LIVE virtual "unconference," involved in sessions related to the future of the Paragraphs module in the Backdrop CMS world, as well as a discussion on what "Config Recipes" could end up looking like to...