Mission Statement
The Stuart Center works for social justice through education, empowerment and partnership with others at the national and international level. A just world is characterized by recognizing the dignity of each person and the integrity of all creation.
Vision Statement
The Stuart Center seeks to create a more just world where the dignity of each person and the integrity of all creation are fully recognized.
Values Statement
The Stuart Center’s activities and relationships reflect our core values of:
- JUSTICE by standing in solidarity with the most vulnerable and acting to change the systems, policies, practices and attitudes that perpetuate injustice.
- EDUCATION and an educative approach as central to promoting justice and peace in our world.
- EMPOWERMENT where people of all ages, beliefs and origin may realize their potential as leaders and stewards of social change and care of the earth.
- PARTNERSHIP with non-profit organizations seeking social change through relationships marked by mutual respect, openness and a commitment to justice and peace.