For the second year in a row Generation Hope selected the Stuart Center to host their Summer Bridge workshop. Over 25 Generation Hope scholarship awardees and their mentors attended two full-day training sessions to help the students – who are also parents of young children – gain study and parenting skills. Generation Hope is a nonprofit organization that helps DC-area teen parents graduate from college by providing them with one-on-one mentoring, tuition assistance, and case management. Each summer, Generation Hope holds a Summer Bridge course that is designed to prepare incoming Scholars for college success
Founded in 2010, Generation Hope selects teen mothers and teen fathers who have displayed academic achievement and a desire to go to college to become Scholars in the Generation Hope Scholar Program. Each selected Scholar is provided with three supports that we believe increase the likelihood that they will obtain their college degree; up to $2,400 per year in tuition assistance, one-on-one mentoring, and case management. Additionally, Scholars receive an increased network of support from the extended family that the program provides to them and to their young children. This support stays with Scholars until they earn their two or four-year degree. To find out more about how you might join the Stuart Center in partnering with Generation Hope, visit their website.