
RSCJ Attend UN World Day against Trafficking in Persons
Jul 30, 19 | JPIC

Meg Causey, RSCJ, Sheila Smith, RSCJ and Rita Pinto, RSCJ meet together at the UN and attend the UN Commemoration of the United Nations' World Day against Trafficking in Persons on July 30, 2019.  

Society of the Sacred Heart NGO Representative, Sheila Smith RSCJ collaborates with others in more than a decade of working with First Nations communities in rural Canad.  She was co-founder of Persons Against the Crime of Trafficking in Humans, or PACT, which is based in Ottawa.


Stuart Center joins with others on behalf of Immigrant Children
Jul 25, 19 | JPIC

The Stuart Center/Society of the Sacred Heart made visible our commitment to immigrant children through participation in the planning and implementation of the Catholic Day of Action on July 18.  Along with hundreds of Catholics spanning the nation and representing more than 200 Catholic organizations, members of the Stuart Center Team and supporters, gathered on the West lawn of the US Capitol.  The day's events included a rally and prayer condemning the treatment of migrant children and the opportunity to hear from both Catholic leaders and those impacted by the decisions made in recent m

Solar panels on the roof of the Stuart Center, Washington DC.
Jul 17, 19 | Administration

As part of our firm commitment to justice and environmental sustainability locally, domestically and abroad, we are happy to announce that after a multi-year process, the Stuart Center has gone solar!  By taking this concrete action, we reduce our carbon footprint and expect to produce approximately 92% of what we consume in kilowatts.

Statement on Humanitarian Crisis at the United States-Mexico Border
Jul 03, 19 | JPIC

The current government policies terrorize and traumatize children, and must be stopped. The need for immigration reform does not give our government permission to violate the dignity and basic human rights of children, and we cannot remain silent while this is being done.

Soccer image
Jul 01, 19 | CEDC

Backdrop shares much of the deep integration with CiviCRM that Drupal 7 offers. This includes the ability to create dynamic views of CiviCRM content (e.g. filterable directories of contact info), the ability to sync membership status to a Backdrop role (e.g. members only content), and the power that Webform CiviCRM provides (e.g. forms that push and pull data from your contact database). That said, some of CiviCRM's core functionality is still a few steps removed.

JPIC: Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World
Jun 29, 19 | JPIC

The Society of the Sacred Heart gathered global leaders from the 41 countries served by the Religious of the Sacred Heart.  Each of these leaders holds particular responsibility for the work of JPIC (Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation) for the region in which they serve and live.

Pax Christi Statement: The Threat of War with Iran
Jun 26, 19 | JPIC

We support the recent statement put out by Pax Christi USA and we urge you to take action by calling Congress and the White House.

Reclaiming Power and Place
Jun 05, 19 | JPIC

The final report of the national inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women and girls in Canada.

Open Source software
Apr 25, 19 | CEDC

At CEDC, we have a bias towards free and open source software solutions in our web development processes, for a variety of reasons which are both practical and philosophical.

New Frontiers Newsletter - March 2019
Apr 01, 19 | JPIC

Attached is the Newsletter, New Frontiers – A quarterly newsletter for global education and advocacy – from the JPIC Office, Rome/ UN-NGO Office, New York.