We are living in a world where we feel overwhelmed by the news, social media and information overload. Most of us have a busy lifestyle; it is difficult to slow down and just be present.

Holy Thursday gives us countless opportunities for prayer, service, friendship, and community. It is in the ordinary small acts where we have a profound, long-lasting effect. It is an opportunity to listen and contemplate the infinite and unconditional LOVE of Jesus.

This Holy Thursday have dinner with family, friends, community; share your meal, ask for forgiveness, break your bread, pour your wine and serve them with humility. It is the small, everyday act of kindness and compassion that define us and break the cycle of hopelessness and sadness.

Holy Thursday makes clear that we are here to wash one another’s feet. It is as if Jesus is saying to us personally: “You call me Master and Lord, and rightly; so, I am. If I, then, the Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you must wash each other's feet. I have given you an example so that you may copy what I have done to you.”

“Longing for your presence, we in stillness pray
For your healing touch, Lord, now and every day.
Merciful Savior, Source of life renewed,
God of all compassion, guide our hearts to serve.” (source)

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