Welcome to the third full week of Lent on our JPIC Lenten Journey. Today we share the materials for reflection on “Racism: Question, Listen, Act." While racism was not a "named" theme from the Society of the Sacred Heart’s International JPIC meeting in November 2018 in the Philippines, the reality of racism around the world is implicit in all of the emerging themes as well as the Society of the Sacred Heart's current examination of its historical involvement in slavery in the United States.
You are encouraged to keep a journal or notebook of your responses as you go through the reflections at your own pace. The daily prayer, "Hearing different voices" reflections, and additional resources are included as attachments.
Before you begin, we encourage you to review the document called “7 steps of Generative Listening Explained” as this is central to our orientation for daily practices throughout Lent.
Meg Causey, RSCJ
Imma De Stefanis, RSCJ
Reyna Gonzalez, RSCJ