The month of May is recognized as Asian-American / Pacific Islander Heritage Month in the United States and Asian Heritage Month in Canada. Our May JPIC newsletter featured many things each of us can do to recognize the month. In 2023, we continue our heritage month celebrations into the month of June with this exciting event.
On the evening of Thursday, June 15, the JPIC Office will host Linda Kato, RSCJ, Ph.D. for a virtual lecture entitled "Teaching the HERstory of Asia to Fellow Adult Learners 60 Years and Older: A Sacred Heart Educational Response to North American Age Demographics."
This event will be livestreamed from the Stuart Center for Mission via Zoom at 7:00 pm Eastern time (8p Atlantic, 6p Central, 5p Mountain, 4p Pacific). There will be time for Q&A with Dr. Kato after her presentation. The event will also be recorded; the recording will be made available later to all who register for the event.
We share this opportunity for learning in light of our Province's JPIC priority to promote racial justice and our core value of education. Please register here to join us!