November celebrates Native American Heritage Month. With the rich and diverse cultures, traditions and histories of Native people, this month acknowledges the contributions that continue to be made by Native peoples. It is also an opportunity to educate ourselves on the oppression of native tribes and the systematic plundering of their lands and culture since the first settlers arrived on the continent. Please consult the resources for more information:

Recommended Books

An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States
Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne. Boston: Beacon Press, 2014.
Bad Indians: A Tribal Memoir
Miranda, Deborah A. Berkeley, CA: Heyday, 2013.
There There
Orange, Tommy. New York: Knopf, 2018.

Doctrine of Discovery

Doctrine of Discovery / Columbus.
Summary of doctrine and pdfs of important documents related to the Doctrine.
Steve Newcomb.
History and current context from Native American perspective.
Video of testimonials from the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois.) on the effect of the Doctrine on their people.
Memoirs from those in search of a home and an identity.

Videos on the Government Boarding Schools from 1879 till the 1960’s

Native American Boarding Schools 101
History of US Indian Boarding Schools, interviews up to 2012 NPR News - (7 minutes) 2012
Indian Boarding School Plan
US Government and Christians develop a joint plan to rob Indian children of their culture. (10 minutes) 2008

We Shall Remain – America Through Native Eyes
PBS Home Video, five 90-minute segments, created & shown on AMERICAN EXPERIENCE TV (2009)
Available in some public libraries or for purchase from PBS.

  1. After the Mayflower
  2. Tecumseh’s Vision
  3. Trail of Tears
  4. Geronimo
  5. Wounded Knee

For Young People and Teachers

An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States for Young People
Dunbar-Orbitz, Roxanne, adapted by Jean Mendoza and Debbie Reese. Boston: Beacon Press, 2019. (Includes a list of recommended books for young people written by indigenous writers.)
A Different Mirror for Young People: A History of Multicultural America
Takaki, Ronald, adapted by Rebecca Stefoff. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2012.
Image credit: Covered basket with bird and whale design, Makah, circa 1900. (Smithsonian Institution).
(Includes lesson plans and a variety of activities for different ages.)
American Indians: Primary Sources and Teaching Activities
(Comprehensive resources for all aspects of the history and life of American Indians)